1) How old is the client?
16-State Retirement Age – continue with this checklist
0-16 – client cannot claim PIP (consider DLA)
Over State Retirement Age – client cannot claim PIP (consider AA)
2) Does the client live in Great Britain?
YES – continue with this checklist
NO – they will not qualify for PIP, however if they live in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland they should write to:
Exportability Co-ordinator
PDCS, Warbreck House
Warbreck Hill Road
3) Has the client been in the UK for two out of the last three years?
YES – continue with this checklist
NO – client will not qualify for PIP, unless they have been outside the UK:
- a) for medical treatment
- b) as a member of HM Forces or their family (spouse/civil partner/child/children
4) What is the client’s Nationality?
British – Go to question 6
Other – Go to question 5
5) Has the client been told that they have no recourse to public funds?
YES – Cannot qualify for PIP (unless living with a family member who is EEA national)
NO – Go to question 6
6) There are special rules for people who are terminally ill. Does the client have a progressive disease and is not expected to live for more than six months? If so they can claim under ‘special rules’.
YES – Client should call DWP and make the PIP1 claim
NO – Go to question 7
7) People can only normally qualify for PIP if they have needed help for 3 months and are likely to need help for a further 9 months after the date they have qualified. Is the client likely to satisfy this test?
YES – Go to question 8
NO – Go to question 8C
8) Does the client have meet A or B (attaining 8 points or more), or C below?
- A) DAILY LIVING – Does the client need* assistance, prompting or supervising with the daily living activities?
- Preparing food
- Taking nutrition
- Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition
- Washing and bathing
- Managing toilet needs or incontinence
- Dressing and undressing
- Communicating verbally
- Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words
- Engaging with other people face to face
- Making budgeting decisions
* Remember the client does not actually have to have help.
- B) MOBILITY – Does the client have difficulty getting around outdoors?
- Planning and following a journey
- Moving around
- C) OTHER QUALIFYING CRITERIA – Do any of the following apply?
- Need help with dialysis at home or in a minimum care unit at least twice a week (where they do not receive help from hospital staff)?
- Is client 100% blind AND 80% deaf and need someone with them when out of doors?
- Have had both legs amputated at or above the ankle, or were born without legs or feet?
- Severely mentally impaired with severe behavioural problems and need help with personal care day AND night?
Summary for Question 8
YES – Client should call DWP and make PIP claim
NO – Client is unlikely to be eligible for PIP (speak to Supervisor)
Telephone: 0800 917 2222 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)
Textphone: 0800 917 7777 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)
PIP1 forms (for paper applications) will only be provided in exceptional circumstances.
Explain to the client the PIP claimant journey and a copy of the PIP descriptors so they understand how entitlement to PIP is assessed.
Explain that they will receive a PIP2 “tell us how your disability affects you” form. Direct Client to the public site section on filling in the PIP2 https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/sick-or-disabled-people-and-carers/pip/help-with-your-claim/fill-in-form-pip/
Suggest they gather supporting medical evidence and keep a diary of their care needs.
If client has no-one else to help them fill in the form and they could not do this themselves then refer to supervisor to see if any available appointments if South Somerset client or task to supervisors if client of other LCA.
CASEBOOK: Write up a comprehensive overview of client’s health issue/s and the difficulties they have.