Your right to complain
Every year Citizens Advice Somerset helps thousands of people. However, every so often someone comes away from us feeling unhappy. Perhaps you had to wait for ages, only to find out that there is very little we can do for you. Similarly, you felt that you were not treated with respect or courtesy. Not to mention, our advice didn’t help or was wrong.
Unfortunately, these things happen. We know we are not perfect. But we aim to be. That is why we have a complaints procedure. Sometimes we can put things right; sometimes we can only explain ourselves and apologise. Nevertheless, we always want to learn from our mistakes. Also, what you tell us helps to improve our service to you.
We will treat your complaint confidentially, seriously and quickly.
If you need support to use our Complaints Process please let us know.
How do I complain?
It is important to let us know that you are unhappy with the service you have received from Citizens Advice Somerset, and to give us the chance to put things right. Don’t be afraid to speak to one of our managers. They may be able to sort things out for you straight away. If this isn’t possible they will explain how you can use the more formal complaints process.
The Third Party Complaints Procedure will be explained to you, if you are not a client.
There are several ways to make a complaint.
Write a letter: to the Chief Executive Officer or Chair of Trustees at our registered office, St. Mary’s house, Magdalene Street, Taunton TA1 1SB
Online: complete our online complaint form.
Email: your complaint to the Chief Executive Officer at [email protected]
Tell us: over the phone or in person.
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days of it being received and we we will investigate your complaint within 8 calendar weeks.
Your complaint will be investigated by an Operations Manager under the guidance of the Chief Executive Officer. If your compliant is about the Chief Executive Officer you may direct your complaint to the Chair of the Trustees.
If your complaint is upheld you will get a full apology and where appropriate be given details of any action that our service intends to take to
put things right.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your compliant you can ask for a review. We will tell you how to do this.
Review of your complaint If you are not happy with the response you receive from us you can request a further review. The review will be conducted under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer of National Citizens Advice. We can provide you with details of how to do this.
Review by an Adjudicator Finally, your complaint may go to a person who is entirely separate from the Citizens Advice service. This person is called the Independent Adjudicator. If you want to progress to this stage, you must do so within four weeks of receiving the Citizens Advice review.
Financial Ombudsman Service The Financial Ombudsman Service provides a free, independent service for clients to solve disputes with not for profit debt advice providers. Financial Conduct Authority, FRN: 617741, authorises and regulates us.
The Financial Ombudsman Service will only step in once Citizens Advice Somerset has had the opportunity to investigate matters, so
please contact us first.
Financial Ombudsman can review your complaint if:
- your complaint is about debt advice
- you were seeking advice about your credit record
- you are not satisfied with our final response
- eight weeks have passed since you first let us know about your concerns
Contact the Financial Ombudsman Service
By post: Financial Ombudsman Service, South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR
By phone: 0800 0 234 567 – free for people phoning from a ‘fixed’ line (e.g. a landline at home). 0300 123 9 123 – free for mobile phone users who pay a monthly charge for calls to numbers starting 01 and 02.
By email: [email protected]